The Dream of Shadows (The Dragon Riders of Arvain Book 3) Read online

Page 12

  “Klarack,” Hayden said as he began to climb onto Draek’s back.

  “Yes rider,” Klarack replied.

  “Is this the first time you have come north of the mountain?” Hayden asked.

  “It is,” Klarack said with a smile.

  “I wish we could celebrate this moment properly.” Hayden began.

  “We will when this is done.” Klarack nodded.

  “Fly safe,” Raena said sadly, putting her hand on Draek’s side.

  “We will.” Hayden tightened his straps and prepared for Draek to take off. “Do you guys have a plan?” Hayden asked as a second thought.

  “We know where Kirin wanted us to meet her, so we will head that way as quickly as we can with the dragons carrying the extra weight of the Frost Fangs. Once there, we will inform Kirin of what the three of you are doing and go from there.” Rimney said.

  “Cass said that once the help of the Bone Thieves was secured that she would march them straight to Celestial City. If we plan it right Queen Kirin’s forces should meet them there and we will be able to lay siege to the city.” Raena added.

  “And end this war quickly,” Klarack said with optimism. Hayden hoped he was right, but he knew it wasn’t going to be that simple.

  “I will tell Cass and Shane about our meeting, and we will get to the Bone Thieves as quickly as we can.” Hayden nodded and told Draek he was ready to fly.

  “See you at Celestial City Hayden,” Rimney said, backing away to give Draek room to take off.

  The idea of attacking Celestial City sounded insane to Hayden, but he knew that is was going to have to happen sooner or later. He just thought they would have more time before they attacked.

  “See you in Celestial City,” Hayden replied back. Hardly believing the words that he was saying.

  With their goodbyes said Draek took to the air with Hayden doing his best to stay as close to his back as he could. Draek seemed to struggle a little worse this climb then he had the climb before. Several times he was forced to land on the mountainside and use his talons to climb up the mountain.

  The winds felt worse to Hayden then they had the first time, and Hayden worried that the straps on his saddle were not going to be enough to hold him to Draek.

  After what felt like hours Draek crested the top of TheeAgren for the second time, and the cold air blasted Hayden in the face. His body immediately felt the piercing chill of the icy wind as he pulled the furs tighter against his body.

  How long do you think it will take us to get to the Ice Keep? Hayden asked as Draek continued flying without landing to rest.

  I was hoping to make it to the keep by tomorrow, but that is not going to be an option now. Draek’s voice low and without emotion.

  Why is that? Hayden asked, looking around at the vast white land around them and already missing the green grass and warm sun of the rest of Arvain.

  We might not have time to waste on rest, we need to get to the Ice Keep as soon as possible, or they might leave without us. Draek said. He pushed his wings harder and flew faster across the frozen land. He only flew a few feet above the rolling ice hills, but Hayden knew just how high above the rest of Arvain they were.

  Don’t push yourself so hard this time Draek. If you fall out from exhaustion again, I won’t be able to walk to the Ice Keep and get help. Not to mention that if you fall asleep out here, you will wake up frozen and under ten feet of snow. Hayden knew that Draek wouldn’t listen to him, so he tightened his grip on the saddle as he spoke.

  I can make it. Was Draek’s only reply as they shot across the Frozen Tundra, racing to make it to the Ice Keep before Cass and Shane left in search of the Bone Thieves.

  Cass and Shane walked around the throne room together, deep in conversation when a Frost Fang ran into the great room. Her footsteps echoing as she ran, almost drowning out the clinking sound of her armor and heavy breathing.

  Cass and Shane both turned to face the young lady. They didn’t know her name, but Cass recognized that she was one of the young ones that wanted to try for an ice egg to hatch her own dragon.

  “A rider has been spotted heading this way. The lookouts say that it’s a silver dragon.” The Frost Fang had gotten the message out with only having to take one deep breath in between the sentences.

  “Is it Hayden and Draek?” Cass asked before Shane could get the words out.

  “They’re not sure yet, all they know is that it is a silver dragon.” She said shaking her head.

  “It could be Hayden,” Shane said. Looking to Cass as he spoke.

  “It could be, but it could also be Ricen and Fenet. We need to be prepared if it is the latter.” Cass said with all seriousness. Shane nodded, and the three quickly ran out of the throne room.

  Cass and Shane headed straight for the base of the Ice Keep. Since the landing platform had broken off the few dragons that remained at the Ice Keep had to land and take off at the base. Cass and Shane had both called their dragons and told them what was going on. Shaylin had landed already and was patiently waiting for her rider while it took everything Shane had to keep Rilora on the ground. She was so eager to get into the air and discover the identity of the silver dragon that she was shaking.

  Cass quickly got into her saddle, having most of the straps tightened within a few seconds of sitting down. Shane struggled a little to get into his saddle as Rilora continued to move and jerk. She even tried to take off before he could get the first strap tightened.

  “Shane, we have to hurry,” Cass called out, her calm voice not giving her nervousness away.

  “I am trying, but Rilora’s not cooperating,” Shane complained as he tried to get the leather straps into their respective buckles.

  Shaylin looked at the open expanse of snow and Rilora followed her gaze, for the first time since they landed she remained completely still. Shane quickly took this opportunity to tighten his straps, and when he finished, he shouted with joy.

  “YES! That’s how we do it Rilora.” Shane held his arms up in victory. He looked at Cass and saw that she had gotten out of the saddle and was standing by her dragon.

  “What are you doing? I thought we were going to fly out and meet the silver dragon?” Shane asked confused.

  “Shaylin and Rilora heard the dragon; it's Draek coming back.” Shaylin did a better job at hiding her joy at the return of the silver pair then Cass did, but Shane didn’t care, he was happy to have his friend back and find out what had happened.

  Shane started to undo the straps when Draek came out from behind a large frozen hill and into their line of sight. Rilora and Shaylin both roared their happiness. An echoed roar from Draek was their answer and Shane slid off Rilora as fast as he could. He knew that as soon as Hayden was off of Draek their dragons would want to be together and Rilora wouldn’t care if her rider was on her back or not.

  They didn’t have to wait long for Draek to cover the distance between them and land in front of them. Draek was breathing heavily, and his mouth was slightly open. Hayden slid out of the saddle and walked towards Cass and Shane. Almost getting crushed by the three metallic dragons colliding together.

  “You made it back,” Cass said with a slight smile.

  “I did,” Hayden answered.

  “You shouldn’t have left us like that,” Shane said, slapping his friend on the shoulder.

  “I know, but Ricen was going to burn Erskine to the ground and then fly to Celestial City and tell Elizabeth what we were doing. Gathering the races of Arvain, Kirin’s forces, everything he heard us talk about or saw us do.” Hayden explained.

  “I take it you caught up to him before he could do those things and by him not being here with you I guess you were unable to capture him and that he is now dead?” Cass asked. Hayden took a long, deep breath in before he answered.

  “Let’s go inside where it is warm, it’s a long story,” Hayden said. As the riders turned to walk back into the Ice Keep and get out of the worst of the cold, they stepped out of the way fo
r some of the young Frost Fangs who were pulling carts of butchered meat to the dragons. Hayden didn’t have to ask how hungry Draek was. He heard the young ones scream as Draek met them halfway and began devouring the meat they had brought.

  “I was able to catch him, and yes he is now dead, but a lot happened before that.” Hayden began while they were walking through the halls of the Ice Keep. There Hayden told what had all happened to him and his friends filled him in on what they had experienced in his absence.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “They should be able to make it to the meeting point within three or four days depending on how the dragon’s do with the added weight of the Frost Fangs,” Cass said as they looked out over a frozen replica of Arvain.

  Hayden and his friends stood around the large round table that held the frozen map along with the elders that Klarack had left in charge of the Ice Keep in his absence. They had tried to talk him out of going off to fight, but he wouldn’t miss a chance to fight with the other Frost Fangs.

  “I am sure the dragons will be able to make the trip.” One of the elders said. The other Frost Fangs nodded their heads and mumbled their agreement.

  “I hope so,” Cass replied. She moved over to where the Shadow Desert was represented on the frozen map. “If we follow TheeAgren west until here.” Cass pointed to a valley in TheeAgren before the mountain range began bending back south. “Then we could fly almost directly to here.” Cass pointed to a spot in the Shadow Desert that looked no different than any other spot.

  “What’s there?” Hayden asked.

  “It’s a place known as the Dying Canyons. The Metallic Riders built a stronghold of sorts on the top of the canyon, and the Bone Thieves and their black dragons live within.” Cass did not take her eyes off the frozen map once as she spoke.

  Streams of mist rolled off the replica in small, swirling wisps as they spoke. “The flight should not take ya long but how will the three of ya take over the stronghold?” One of the elders asked as she tucked her arms into the folds of her furs for warmth.

  “There shouldn’t be any added strength to the stronghold, just the four riders who are watching over the Shadow Des ert. The Metallic Riders don’t like the Bone Thieves, and they won’t want to use them in this war unless it’s absolutely necessary.” Cass replied, finally looking up to the elders.

  “How do you know this?” Hayden asked. In their training, they had been taught very little about the other races of Arvain and their territories. They were told that learning how to survive was more important than learning about elves’ customs.

  “They told me about the Bone Thieves as part of my training. The Metallic Nation fears them and their, barbaric practices. When one of their own dies they leave the body outside until all the flesh has been picked from the bones by animals. The families of the fallen one then collect the bones and use them to make armor or something of use.” Hayden had to fight not to shutter at the thought of doing that to a loved one.

  “The Metallic Nation has been trying to kill them off for years, only allowing one black dragon to hatch each year to allow the Bone Thieves to die off naturally. They won’t use them unless they absolutely have too. Besides the Metallic Riders that are there will most likely be locked up in the stronghold so they won’t have to deal with the Bone Thieves at all.” Cass said. Pulling her furs in closer to her body.

  “So, we just fly out there, tell the Bone Thieves what’s going on and that we need their help and then leave and join Kirin at Celestial City?” Shane asked as he rubbed the stubble that was beginning to come in on his chin.

  “That’s pretty much what we have been doing this entire time Shane,” Hayden replied with a smile. Shane thought about it for a few moments and then smiled.

  “I guess we have.” He laughed.

  “When do ya want to leave gold rider?” An elder asked.

  “The sooner, the better. We don’t want to arrive late to Celestial City and find our friends beaten.” Cass replied. She looked over to Shane and Hayden who both nodded.

  “I would suggest then to leave at first light. Ya dragons can eat and rest tonight and be ready for tomorrow.” The elder suggested.

  “I think that sounds great,” Hayden answered.

  “I am glad. Klarack also mentioned that if ya three were still here at the time of our young hatching dragons, then he thought ya would like to see it.” The elder said.

  Hayden and the others lit up at the idea. They each had the memory of hatching their own dragons etched in their minds forever. It was a special moment that they thought they weren’t going to see again.

  “When are they going after the eggs?” Cass asked. As much as they all wanted to see the white dragons hatching, they knew they couldn’t wait around long.

  “Those that are worthy of eggs have already been chosen and will be presented with their eggs tonight in the throne room.” The three riders all smiled at each other. It was a little joy in a dark time.

  “We would love to be there and witness the first free riders of the Frost Fangs to join our ranks,” Cass replied. As one the elders gave a slight bow and walked out of the room, leaving the three friends to look at the frozen map a little longer.

  “At first light?” Hayden asked as Shane and Cass joined him at the edge of the map.

  “First light,” Cass confirmed.

  “In these dark times, it does each of us good to have hope,” Cass shouted out over the crowd of Frost Fangs that had amassed before the thrones. “Nothing gives our future hope like the next generation of dragon riders.” Cass raised her hands, and the crowd of Frost Fangs shouted and stomped their feet.

  Hayden was reminded of how Kirin had handled her first speech, and he wasn’t sure who had done a better job. Both were born to be leaders in Hayden’s mind.

  In between the masses of Frost Fangs and the thrones knelt twenty young, soon to be dragon riders in front of their eggs. The Frost Fangs did not wait until the person was eighteen as the humans did. Instead, they allowed their children to attempt to get their dragons.

  The Frost Fangs who had been selected were all kneeling down before the elders, their white dragon eggs on pedestals of hard packed snow were set before them, just out of arms reach.

  Each of the eggs were steaming and looked like solid ice more so than dragon eggs. Hayden, Cass, and Shane stood behind the elders as they spoke and watched as the young Frost Fangs, one at a time, placed their hands on the eggs and hatched the dragons within.

  When their hands made contact with the egg, steam washed over the egg, almost exploding from it. When the steam cleared, the eggs were gone and in their place were small white dragons that had an almost blue tint to their skin.

  No one spoke except the elders, naming the young one who was next to hatch their dragon. As the last egg hatched and all the dragons were in their new rider’s arms, the cheering and shouting began, and they were quickly pulled into the celebrations while the new riders tended to their dragons.

  “It is good that ya stayed to see this.” One of the elders said to Hayden as the silver rider was taking a break from the festivities. There was drink being passed around, and the braziers now had large slabs of meat roasting over them. Some Frost Fangs had pulled out drums to add a thunderous tune to their celebrations.

  The throne room was filled with life and laughter.

  “I agree, it was very good to see this.” Hayden agreed. He had danced with the Frost Fangs and ate with them, but after what happened with the Sea Serpents he refused to drink with them.

  “Ya’ll still leave out in the morning?” The elder asked.

  Hayden nodded as he watched Shane get picked up by a Frost Fang woman and he cheered with the rest of them as she spun him around.

  “We shall, we need to be off, and the dragons should be as well rested as can be after tonight,” Hayden said. The dragons were being fed as much meat as they wanted. The Frost Fangs were butchering bears to help ease the dragon’s appetite.

>   “I agree. Ya can rest assured that starting tomorrow the riders that stayed back will begin teaching and training the new riders. As Cass said, our future will be secured.” The elder smiled, and Hayden couldn’t help but smile as well.

  “What will happen with the Metallic Riders in the dungeon?” Hayden asked.

  “They will remain there. Their dragons were placed in a large room, much like this one, that was found in the dungeon. We have unchained the riders since they seem to know that there is no point in trying to escape. We will treat them better than they would have treated us I can promise ya that.” The elder nodded as he spoke.

  Shane was almost thrown into them as the two continued to talk. Shane laughed as he charged back into the dancing throngs of the Frost Fangs as if he was deep in a battle.

  “I thought we might see them before we leave, Metallic Rider to Metallic Rider,” Hayden said. He had in fact been wondering if it would be a good idea or not to visit the imprisoned riders.

  “The problem is ya are no longer a Metallic Rider.” The elder said. The elder made to walk off to join in the celebrations, but turned one last time to look at Hayden. Hayden stayed where he was, stunned by the elder’s comment.

  Hayden was unsure what to think. He wasn’t truly a Metallic Rider any longer; he wasn’t part of the Metallic Nation. He also wasn’t a part of any other group for that matter, so he wasn’t sure what he was or where he fit in.

  The elder must have seen the confusion on Hayden’s face as he walked back up to Hayden. “I forgot to tell ya, Klarack asked me to have one of our smiths steal ya breastplate while the celebration is going on tonight. He pulled a scale from his own dragon to add to ya collection.” The elder nodded and walked away before Hayden could thank him.

  He wasn’t a Metallic Rider any more, he was a rider for all of Arvain.

  Hayden looked up and watched as the crowd moved and danced around him. Like a river moving past a bolder half submerged in the cold running water.